Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Fast at Home Weight Loss - It is Possible!

By Greg Alan Bartlett

Many people have high ambitions of losing weight, especially at the start of each new year. Fast at home weight loss is gaining popularity, and with 2010 just around the corner, many people are already looking for a simple way that they can lose weight in their own homes.

How to Lose Weight without the Gym

While having a gym membership might work well for some people, not everyone can afford the monthly payments that are required. Workout videos are a great alternative for fast at home weight loss. They only require the one time purchase and can be used over and over. Although some people may grow tired of the same workout after a while, many of the videos that are available are designed to seem more like dancing than exercising.

Workout Videos for Fast at Home Weight Loss

Workout videos provide a more fun atmosphere while you workout. The fun, upbeat music will keep you moving and the 'dance moves' will target specific muscle groups and help you lose weight without even really thinking about it. There is a huge selection of these videos available, so you can pick just the right program for your needs. Some videos come with a few different workouts, so that you can have a little variety. For those who are looking for a more balanced workout, there are many exercise videos that focus on the entire body. Others target specific areas of your body so that you can work on your trouble spots. Whether you choose a video geared towards your abs, legs, or arms, you can be sure that your entire body will be getting a workout.

Where to Find Exercise Videos for Home Weight Loss

Exercise videos for fast at home weight loss can be picked up at bookstores and superstores all around the country. However, it is probably a good idea to look online at reviews of various workout programs to see what others have to say about a particular workout video. This will save you some money by helping you find workout videos that are best suited for your needs and tastes. You could also take a look at the selection of your local public library. After sampling the exercise videos that the library has, you will likely find one that you enjoy using and would like to purchase for yourself.

Would you like to find a workout video for fast at home weight loss? Go to to get a FREE report on fast weight loss!

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3 Mistakes You Must Never Make If You Want to Lose Weight Fast and Quick

By David Copas

Having a lean body is the every man and woman's dream. You may be fat or a bit overweight right now but you can lose weight. You can look sexy and lean if you have the persistence and patience to stick to the end. Do you know why? Because you deserve to look sexy.

You deserve to have a lean body. When you are on your journey to getting a lean and sexy body, don't commit the mistakes everyone makes. Those who commit these mistakes fail in achieving their goals and bail out. Here are the mistakes you shouldn't do if you want to look sexier quickly and fast...

Giving Up - Develop a tough attitude. Otherwise, you will fail even before you begin. It might become difficult to stick to the diet or a workout. You can overcome any difficulty if you form a habit. "Habit is Destiny". Your habit is what that builds your character.

Right now you are overweight because of your bad habits. Form good habits. Here are my tips for forming good habits:

  • Start Now

  • Don't Deviate

Starving - A survey revealed that there were two critical factors for success in any area. They are:

  • Not Obvious

  • Counter-Intuitive

Starving is an obvious thing to do to lose weight. At least this is what most people do when they want to lose weight. But the truth is, starving actually increases your weight faster than any bad habit you already have.

Too less or Too Much Water - Water can speed up your weight loss. But it should be in the right quantities. Too much of water can also increase your weight. Drink around Eight to Twelve Glasses of Water daily. No more than that. You can drink more water if you workout at least for thirty minutes every day and sweat a lot.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to watch the video on the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which allow you to get rid of any amount of fat and at the same time eat what you want. Yes that's right...You can eat what you like and at the same time lose weight rapidly... I strongly urge you to watch the whole video on the next page - Click Here

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5 Easy Tips to Lose 10 Pounds in Under 7 Days

By Jane Aubrey

There are many reasons for wanting to lose weight quickly. Maybe it's for a wedding, dance, or to fit into that bathing suit on vacation. Whatever the reason, it's important to diet safely even when you are going on a crash diet. Please always keep your health in mind and never do anything risky or dangerous just to shed a couple of pounds.

Here are some of my tips for safe and effective weight loss when you just can't wait any longer.

  1. The first step to losing weight fast is to decrease the levels of insulin circulating in your body. Insulin is the hormone that makes you hungry and causes cravings. The easiest way to lower insulin secretion is to cut out sugary foods, starches, breads, pastas, rice, and potatoes. Instead, you should eat low carbohydrate vegetables, fruit, and lean protein. You will find that in a day or two, your appetite will decrease and by eating less food, you will further decrease the insulin levels in your body. As you can see, this is a cycle that works better and better the longer you follow healthy eating habits.

  2. Secondly, if you have a sweet tooth, eat fresh fruit instead of drinking juices. There's extra fiber and vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients in fresh fruit that's missing in fruit juices. The fiber will keep you fuller longer and the extra vitamins and nutrients will give you more energy. Remember that juices are just empty calories. You may as well be drinking sugar water for all you know.

  3. Eat three medium sized meals instead of grazing all day long. Conventional diet advice tells you to snack throughout the day, but all this does is keep your cravings alive and raise your insulin levels all day. Your body ends up being so confused that it thinks that you are eating such small meals because you are starving and will store all the calories you eat. Instead, make sure your three meals are a bit larger and more satisfying. Use higher quality vegetables, sauces, and protein in your meals and cut down on cheap filler foods like pasta, rice, and bread. Try making your meals more appetizing by adding spices and you will stay satiated longer.

  4. In addition to eating just three meals a day, you should eat dinner at least 3 hours before you plan on going to bed. Our bodies are designed to burn fat at night and if you are still stuffed from eating dinner right before bedtime, then you will end up only burning calories from your dinner instead of body fat.

  5. Finally, the best way to fight cravings is to go out and do something. Any type of activity will distract you and make you forget about eating. Some easy activities to put your mind off eating are to go to the movies, go shopping, get a massage, or go for a relaxing walk outside. In fact, not only will going on a walk make you forget about eating, but the extra activity will force your body to release stored fat. Keep the walk leisurely though, if you push yourself too much, you will trigger your body's adrenaline response which will make your blood sugar unstable. You will then get cravings again. Remember, a slow constant pace is what forces your body to burn body fat.

Once you've lost those extra pounds, you'll be confident enough to show off in front of your friends. Try having a karaoke party with your own home karaoke machine. If you have old pictures of yourself you want to share, you should restore them with a HP negative scanner.

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